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Compassionate Conversations
Changing the world with words

Compassionate Conversations
Death and dying is a human experience we all share, just as we are born we will die.
And yet culturally, we are uncomfortable talking about death, dying and bereavement.
But talking with others helps to ease feelings of overwhelm, social isolation and loneliness.
Conversations validate our feelings and we can share information and ways of accessing support.
We encourage opportunities to talk about experiences, knowledge, feelings and beliefs because it is these compassionate conversations that offer practical and social support which improves the quality of life for others.
Stay informed of where and when compassionate conversations are happening in local communities through our social media channels.

Compassionate Communities is a public health approach that enables us all to ‘live well until the end of life’.
Advocating for peoples’ right to a good quality of life when living on the spectrum of a life-limiting illness, care-giving, death, dying and loss.
With a person-centred approach we aim to improve end of life care by supporting those who wish to remain living in their own homes and engaged with their own communities as far as possible until the end of their lives.

Before I Die Wall
Before I Die Walls is an international initiative inspired by Candy Chang. The purpose of these walls is to help individuals, communities and society to reflect on their mortality and focus on what is really important.
We are looking for places in communities to install Before I Die Walls.