Resources List

Allied Healthcare Professionals
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) help people to live their lives as fully as possible by treating, rehabilitating, and improving the lives of patients. To hear from a Speech and Language Therapist, a Dietician, a Physiotherapist and an Occupational Therapist please watch the video below:

District Nurse
A District Nurse is your Palliative Care Keyworker. They can help plan and coordinate your care around what is important to you, sometimes through Advance Care Planning. They will also link in with other services that will support you and those closest to you. To hear more on how they can support you, please watch the video below:

Advanced Cancer Toolkit
A new online toolkit for people with advanced cancer has been developed by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust.
Inspired by patient feedback, and designed alongside local service users, its focus is on living well and supporting the best quality of life.
The series of videos are all led by healthcare professionals who provide a wide range of practical guidance and advice so people feel better equipped and have greater confidence around managing their wellbeing.

Specialist Palliative Care Social Worker
A Specialist Palliative Care Social Worker can offer support to you and those closest to you. They offer emotional and practical support, and information to help you manage the changes that will happen on your palliative care journey. To hear more on how they can support you, please watch the video below:

Your Life, Your Choices
This booklet is about planning ahead and making choices about your future care if you live in Northern Ireland. It is for anyone who wishes to plan ahead, whether they have a serious illness or not. Planning for your future care is also called advance care planning. It is important in case you ever become unable to make choices yourself. This booklet was produced by Palliative Care in Partnership, the Public Health Agency, and Macmillan Cancer Support.

Interview with a Funeral Director
Planning your funeral in advance can give you peace of mind that your wishes are carried out. Having plans in place also removes the burden from those closest to you. To hear more on the different things to consider when planning a funeral , please watch the video below to hear advice from a Funeral Director.

Palliative Care Booklet
This booklet has been written for you, your family and carers. It explains what is meant by the term ‘palliative and end of life care’. It also provides useful information about the range of health and social care professionals who deliver palliative care services and the support they can offer. Contact details apply to services in the NHSCT. Other trusts may have similar services but please check with your GP or District Nurse for local contact details.